My father’s hernia was removed through laparoscopic surgery

 Since childhood, I have grown up hearing that my father has an inguinal hernia. He never opted for any treatment as that, according to him, did not cause him any pain or other troubles. After I grew up, a doctor friend told me that my father should get his hernia removed as no other treatment would do the needful. I told my father many a time about it but of no use. Last year, during lockdown 1.0, my father started suffering from a sharp pain in his groin area, and it was because of his untreated hernia. I had no idea where to start from and how to find a doctor during such a pandemic situation. As usual, my father said that the pain would go away soon, but this time the pain persisted and intensified with time. He felt a burning sensation in his groin area also. 

laparoscopic hernia surgery in Kolkata

Whenever he would cough or bend, the hernia would be visible, and the pain would increase rapidly. I called a friend, and he told me about a doctor who is considered the best in the field of laparoscopic hernia surgery services in Kolkata. I tried and made an appointment with him. I took my father to the doctor and took all the precautions for covid-19. The doctor checked my father thoroughly. After a few days, he performed laparoscopic surgery and removed my father’s hernia forever. My father came back home the very next day. There was hardly any scar of the incisions made for the surgery. My father is completely fine now. The doctor’s behaviour, guidance, and patience were unparallel. He helped us during such a tough time that we can never thank him enough.


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