How femoral hernia is removed by laparoscopic surgery

What is laparoscopic surgery? – Listen to what a specialist of laparoscopic hernia surgery in Kolkata has to say: Laparoscopic surgery is performed under general anaesthesia. The surgeon makes small cuts for the surgery. Then he/she will place a tube with a tiny camera in it and will insert the tube into the incisions. Surgical tools are also inserted from those cuts. Laparoscopic surgery is safe and it hardly leaves a scar. The surgery has a record of faster recovery than open surgery. Femoral hernia: A femoral hernia occurs when a little part of your bowel or fatty tissue pushes the groin of your inner thigh and hits a weak spot in the abdominal wall into the femoral canal. Many reasons can be the source of femoral hernia like, heavy lifting, childbirth, chronic coughing, being overweight, and chronic constipation. But the actual cause remains unknown in most cases. There might not be any symptom of the same. But if it’s a large hernia, a...